How Can OKRs Improve Your Customer Experience?

Oct 14, 2022
How Can OKRs Improve Your Customer Experience?

Customer success means ensuring that every one of your clients uses your product or service to fulfill their goals. Businesses have various tools to manage customer success, with customer success OKRs being one of the most popular and effective methods. 

Customer success teams and other company divisions use OKRs as a collaborative goal-setting tool to set challenging, ambitious, and quantifiable goals. With the help of OKRs, you can monitor your team’s progress toward its objectives and foster alignment and engagement.

What are OKRs?

OKRs, Objectives and Key Results aim to increase corporate performance by setting future goals and using Key Results to measure them. It is a goal-setting framework used by individuals, teams, and organizations to specify quantifiable goals and monitor their performance. Objectives can be the overall goals of a business, division, or individual. Key Results gauge the objective’s success.

Examples of customer experience

Customer experience goals can be defined using OKRs, or objective and key results. To keep customer relations on track and moving in the right path, OKRs can measure everything from the number of positive feedback items and compliments to the number of negative feedback items per quarter to the assistance with same-day shipping.

The goals you want your customer service staff to achieve are called objectives. The measurable, time-bound milestones that fall under them are known as Key Results. A business should contain no more than seven objectives, each of which should fit on a single line with a maximum of three to five Key Results.

Check out the examples below if you’re searching for some real-world customer service OKR examples on how to reduce the volume of complaints or boost positive feedback.

Objective: Highest industry standards for customer satisfaction.

KR 1: In-depth interviews with 100 of your best clients are used to gather feedback.

KR 2: Interview 200 new consumers over the phone.

Objective: Satisfy your customers. Make sure that customers are delighted with service and merchandise, so they are driven to place more orders and gush about the experience to their friends.

KR: Minimum Order Rating of 4.6/5.0.

Objective: Make sure the team is providing cutting-edge customer service.

KR 1: By assigning more staff to the live chat, you can cut the initial response time from one hour to thirty minutes.

KR 2: In less than a day, settle all the tier-2 support tickets.

How can OKRs improve your customer experience?

Here’s how OKRs can improve your customer experience.

Keeps your customer success team in sync

Client success OKRs aid in finding alignment between you and your customer success team by keeping everyone organized and fostering teamwork. The OKR framework also promotes a better overall understanding of the projects at hand, giving team members an excellent opportunity to learn about their coworkers’ responsibilities. 

OKR can help track progress

The fact that OKRs measure the development of your customer success team is a major advantage. You’ll be better organized and ultimately more effective as a team if each OKR you and your team set is clearly defined, documented, and monitored for progress. In order to analyze and perhaps change the key results to make sure they are realistic, we advise evaluating your progress every week.

Prevents obstacles

A weekly review of your OKRs will also aid in preventing any obstacles from ballooning into more significant problems that are more challenging to resolve. If and when issues develop, you and your team are ready to resolve them quickly so you can realign with your group and move forward. This check-in is a fantastic opportunity to work with other team members to discuss and problem-solve any issues that may come up in order to come up with the best answer possible because you will be meeting with the entire team.


Nothing can make or break a business in the era of rapid digital feedback, like customer experience. The secret to turning good businesses into great ones is knowing how to deal with people, whether they are offering compliments, complaints, or critical comments.

Other customer care teams concentrate on order taking, refund processing, client retention, professional guidance services, and online complaints. With OKRs, businesses can create a streamlined, service-oriented goal system that not only delights clients but keeps them coming back and attracts new ones.

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