How to Conduct an Effective OKR Meeting?

Jan 24, 2022
How to Conduct an Effective OKR Meeting?

To be effective with the OKR score technique, you must constantly work on objectives, debate them, track key results, and determine what suggestions your team may implement. The ideal approach to do all of this is to hold weekly group OKR meetings.

It needs to be a fast 15-20 minute discussion when you and your team review teams’ OKR success and create new objectives for the following week or quarter. OKR meetings serve to support OKR progress. Teams ensure that progress is being made by examining completed plans, the outcomes of these goals, and the lessons gained as they move forward. This makes attaining a regular flow of Objectives and Key Results.

This blog will provide insights on how to run OKRs meetings. It will cover everything from defining the OKR, the agenda of the meeting, setting up a collaboration structure, and running the meeting.

Why is Effective OKR Check-in Important?

We understand that no individual wants to be weighed down by pointless sessions, especially now that “Zoom fatigue” is a very actual issue. While we do not feel it is useful to hold meetings when they are not required, we do believe that business, team, and one-on-one meetings that are planned using OKRs may greatly improve collaboration and guidance.

One of the most significant benefits of employing an Objective and Key Result (OKR) structure is the method’s clarity. This approach of goal creation ensures that no group operates in isolation and that everybody is striving toward the firm’s most critical objectives. Effective OKR meetings and check-ins are essential parts of the strategy.

How to Conduct Weekly OKR Meeting Review Sessions?

Test and improve your team’s performance and productivity on a schedule that fits you and your employees. huminos allows you to schedule one-on-one meetings with your staff members at any time, from anywhere. You’ll know when they’re making their check-ins, and know exactly where they stand on tasks.

We recommend hosting weekly OKR meetings that are based on the team’s goals and progress as a best practice for staff meetings. First, have each member of the team complete an OKR review prior to the meeting session to ensure their work is updated. This should be accomplished at the start of each week. You can have everybody update their Key Results every Monday and gather on Tuesday to review them. To get the most of your scheduled meetings, have your staff go over objectives that they are failing with early. Handling any at-risk or behind-the-scenes goals first prioritizes the most critical activities that must be done.

Using OKRs to frame team sessions puts goals at the forefront of everyone’s minds. This way, the discussion will not be derailed, and the group will be able to concentrate on the most essential tasks at hand. This session sets a tone for the upcoming week and reminds employees that Objectives and Key Results should drive the work they accomplish.  We’ve all experienced the frustration of meetings interfering with real progress being made, so if you’re planning to have a team meeting, make sure the conversation is relevant.

Tips to Establish a Successful OKR Meeting Structure

1. Choose the frequency and structure that will perform best

We propose holding weekly OKR meeting sessions for no more than 15 to 30 minutes. This should give you ample opportunity to reflect on your progress toward your goals and create objectives for the coming week. The structure comprises the agenda and determining what works best for everybody engaged.

Scheduling may need some practice at first, but when you get the hang of it, be steady and keep to the schedule. OKR meeting review sessions should be clear and concise, with in-depth study on particular important results completed independently.

2. Every member should be invited

Each department should hold weekly OKR meeting sessions. Skip-level OKR meetings involving supervisors and executive leaders are equally beneficial but should be held on a less regular basis.

Involve everybody in the group, even if they aren’t directly accountable for specific important achievements, because they’re a terrific reward not only for accomplishing your objectives but also for group synchronization and participation. Check-ins serve as a warning that everyone’s effort is important and it contributes to the overall corporate growth.

3. Create a detailed agenda

The topic of your OKR meetings should be clear and transparent. This will assist to establish a habit and set the correct standards, so your staff isn’t caught off guard when meetings go late or when addressing an unplanned agenda and feeling uninformed.

  • Your OKR meeting agenda should begin with an overview of general progress. Review the check-ins done throughout the previous week.
  • Define goals with low progress rates and have an honest discussion with the teams in order to discover why they are at risk and what their strategy is going into the next week, and if any adjustments are required. In this part, suggestions and input from all members of the team are useful in developing strategies for picking up the pace.
  • Praise and accolades are always appreciated. Highlight targets that a significant improvement in status or completion percentage. It is especially useful to highlight major wins or substantial percentage improvements from week to week.
  • If the range of the aim has to be changed or the goal needs to be shifted to a different time frame, this is the place to discuss it.
  • Determine what steps will be made in the future week to maintain progress for that quarter for each unfinished target and its holder.
  • Make a list of any other activities that require to be accomplished before next week’s session.

4. Work as a unit

All members of the team should obtain the data necessary to reflect on the development and obstructions of the Objectives and Key Results for which they are accountable. Consider what precise insights you want to elicit from other group members in order to make the greatest use of people’s time and keep the overall session brief.

Detailing progress on a regular basis is essential for keeping your staff on track. The most convenient method is to utilize a goal-tracking program that connects with your sessions.

5. Take notes

It is critical to take notes during your OKR meetings. It communicates to your team members that you value their participation and recommendations for the agenda. It also acts as a reminder to you about the status of certain initiatives and how your team intends to pursue the key results.

Don’t hold OKR meetings only to have a gathering. Every conference should always end with a specific conclusion. It’s also critical to recall what was said. Decide how you wish to communicate and document the insights you’ve learned as well as any fresh concepts that have surfaced. This is what makes a 15 to 30 minutes long OKR meeting session successful.

One-on-one OKR Meeting Review Sessions

Even if neither of you has anything new to say nor have issues to address, a frequent OKR meeting routine between you, as a leader, and your team members helps to keep everybody on the same path and communications flowing. Choose the rhythm that fits best for you and your team members. You may find weekly one-on-one OKR meetings useful, but others may prefer a twice-a-month routine. Too much discussion between management and employees causes urgent tactical concerns, with insufficient time spent on significant matters. Frequent one-on-one sessions provide devoted time and space for tactical thinking.

Having a designated time to address topics that are significant to workers contributes to the creation of an emotionally secure workplace in which trust is created. It provides a technique for keeping team members and managers updated on critical information and reducing the need for them to disturb each other.


Businesses everywhere are trying to improve, but staying on track can be difficult. huminos helps companies focus on goals by providing a clear framework for setting goals and tracking progress. High-performing individuals, teams, and organizations use OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) to set goals that are both challenging and achievable. With huminos you can create OKRs where your team creates their own goals, tracks progress in real-time, gets notified when goals are missed, finds solutions to problems that pop up, provides valuable data for company leaders, all in one place.

About huminos

huminos is a comprehensive performance conversations platform that helps your employees to achieve impactful outcomes, even if they are working remotely. Features like OKRs, 1:1 conversations, feedbacks, reflections, and pulse allow you to plan and measure work that really matters to your company.

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