New Enterprise Stack – Part 5- Delivering micro experiences

Aug 05, 2021
New Enterprise Stack – Part 5- Delivering micro experiences

Quick Recap:

  1. New Enterprise Stack – Part 1 – introduces the old enterprise stack, its relevance to productivity, engagement and culture reinforcement.
  2. New Enterprise Stack – Part 2 – presents visual representation and facets of Systems of Record, Systems of Micro Experiences and Systems of Engagement.
  3. New Enterprise Stack – Part 3 – details Systems of Micro Experiences with examples.
  4. New Enterprise Stack – Part 4 – design principles for Micro Experiences

In the last part fo the series on the New Enterprise Stack,  I’ll discuss “How and why conversational interfaces are best suited to deliver the micro experiences?”.

Conversational Interface (CI)

CI is foundational to the design and delivery of a set of micro experiences that are meaningful to the users. CI is often referred to, interchangeably, as chatbots. However, CI is more than just chatbot. It is the messaging layer that is inherent to any System of Engagement and that provides the foundation for building a chatbot.

Why CI is best suited to deliver micro experiences?

Below are the major elements of the CI that make it compelling to deliver micro experiences:


CI allows us to embed videos and images for making a micro task an immersive experience for the users. For example, a 1-minute video on “Why feedback matters” as a nano-learning experience is infinitely more engaging for a user compared to an email that redirects the user to a standalone LMS.


Emojis, giphys, stickers, feelings et al are inherent to a CI and allow design of micro experience to be expressive for the users even when interacting with an artificial person a.ka. a chatbot.

Personalization and Engagement

Personalization is foundational to the design of a micro experience. The CI layer of a System of Engagement allows deep personalization thus making the experience more engaging to the users.


Conversations, including the ones with human like artificial persons a.k.a bots, drive engagement. For example, raising a ticket to a HR or IT helpdesk, acknowledging and responding to the ticket, posting a resolution and status update of the ticket and finally giving feedback to the desk agent on the interaction is a unified, engaging, personalized and expressive experience for an end user compared to a email driven exchange.

Contextual Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

CI can persist a context that is take the user back to right where he/she has left the conversation. This helps in driving desired actions from user by delivering intelligent nudges. For example, if a user was applying for paid time off and has left the flow for some reason, a contextual smart smart nudge can be triggered to extract the desired action from the user.

Micro Payloads

CI allows to unbundle an experience into micro payloads with text, immersive content like videos, expressive elements like feelings , personalization and contextual CTAs. Such micro payloads have a better engagement rate compared to traditional web forms. For example, a user who is filling a discrete or one off 10 to 15 question pulse survey at once can be given a better experience by allowing the user to create more continuous experience of 2 to 3 questions linked to the personalized response schedule of that user.

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