Whatโ€™s New ๐ŸŽ‰ February 2023

Mar 22, 2023
Whatโ€™s New ๐ŸŽ‰ February 2023

(1) Update progress of key result using Zendesk Integration

Huminos provides integration with Zendesk to get progress updated without having to switch away. Huminos Zendesk integration allows users to connect their goals and have them automatically update progress when Zendesk is updated. Admin on huminos platform can create a connection between huminos and Zendesk. Once you have configured the connection, the next step is to start linking OKRs to the stories or epics in Zendesk. While creating or editing an OKR, click on Connect to a data source. From the drop down menu, select Zendesk. Learn more about the Zendesk Integration.

(2) Get deeper understanding through Insights

We have build a dedicated space to understand your overall, team and individual level insights on OKRs and overall performance and feedback culture. You can view the adoption of OKRs, progress of the OKRs, OKR confidence, manager insights for their team with analytics and reports that are available to download for everyone with role based access for individual, manager, team admin and super admin.

(3) Engage better with team meetings

Huminos now provides a Team Meeting option for connecting with your team and collaborating and discussing new ideas. Team meetings allow you to make your team members feel heard, deliver important information, and prepare for the upcoming OKR cycle. You can go straight to the meeting section on huminos platform and choose 1:1 or team meeting, then invite attendees for ad hoc or recurrent meetings.

About Huminos

Huminos is a comprehensive performance conversations platform that helps your employees to achieve impactful outcomes, even if they are working remotely. Features like OKRs, 1:1 conversations, feedback, reflections, and pulse allow you to plan and measure work that really matters to your company.

Get a FREE 14-day trial of the OKR software to understand how well it fits your business needs.

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