What’s New 🎉 June 2022

Jul 05, 2022
What’s New 🎉 June 2022

(1) 🎯 Easily identify your objectives & Key Results

We have added visual identifiers or cues for Objectives and Key Results (KRs). This makes it easier to differentiate between them. You will notice the Goal (🎯) icon for every objective and a hash(#️⃣) icon for each key result.

(2) 🚀 Faster creation of objectives & key results

We have redesigned the way you create Objectives and Key Results to make it fast and easy with smart default values. While objectives are significant, concrete, action-oriented, and (ideally) inspirational. Key Results benchmark and monitor how we get to the Objective. Having different forms helps you to create quality OKRs for your organizations, teams, and individual level.

(3) ⛳️ Objective progress changes

Now the progress update of Objectives will be calculated on the progress of Key Results only. We have removed an option to update the Objective progress manually to simple tracking. Effective Key results are specific and time-bound and aggressive yet realistic. Most of all, they are measurable and verifiable. The objective should follow the progress coming from the associated key results.

(4) ⚡️Quickly get started with OKR templates

Crafting good OKRs plays a critical role in the organization’s success. Huminos has 100+ OKR templates to get started and accelerate growth. You can find the OKR templates for different departments and roles. You will find this option while creating a new objective, select OKR templates and choose the objective that you wish to accomplish.

(5) ↕️ Align objectives with parent cycles

Now, you can align the objectives of your quarterly cycle to the parent cycle of a longer duration. It allows the company to define its long-term objectives and divide this into quarterly cycles. Progress update on this quarterly objective updates the progress of an annual cycle objective that shows the progress of annual objectives.

About Huminos

Huminos is a comprehensive performance conversations platform that helps your employees to achieve impactful outcomes, even if they are working remotely. Features like OKRs, 1:1 conversations, feedbacks, reflections, and pulse allow you to plan and measure work that really matters to your company.

Get a FREE 14-day trial of the OKR software to understand how well it fits your business needs.

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