What’s New 🎉 April 2022

May 03, 2022
What’s New 🎉 April 2022

(1) Delete an OKR or performance cycle

Admin on the huminos platform can now delete an OKR or performance cycle easily from the Cycles page. You can use this feature to clear all your test data during the trial or after for a test cycle. Ideally, you should avoid deleting a cycle that is being used by users in your company for their live objectives and key results.

(2) Manage OKR quiz questions

Admin can now view and update all of the questions associated with the OKR coach video in advance. Go to the Templates submenu under Manage and select the Quiz tab to find all of the quiz questions. You can see all of the OKR Coach video categories here, as well as the quiz questions that go with each video. You can create your own quiz questions, which the OKR coach will use when sending the user a video.

(3) Join huminos PLG & OKR community 🌐

This community is for all the CXOs who are building awesome software products and trying to scale their businesses with lower cost of customer acquisition, lower churn rate and higher revenue per employee.Join our Slack community of Product-Led Growth and OKR enthusiasts where experts will orient, inspire & reveal their secret sauce to success.

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About huminos

huminos is a comprehensive performance conversations platform that helps your employees to achieve impactful outcomes, even if they are working remotely. Features like OKRs, 1:1 conversations, feedbacks, reflections, and pulse allow you to plan and measure work that really matters to your company.

Get a FREE 14-day trial of the OKR software to understand how well it fits your business needs.

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