What’s New 🎉 October 2021

Nov 12, 2021
What’s New 🎉 October 2021

(1) Now copy your previous OKRs for ⚡️ faster setup

We have made it easier to copy your OKRs from previous cycles in case you need them. Instead of starting from scratch (and possibly introducing errors in the process), you can use the copy function to make a duplicate copy of the Objective, then make some quick edits to reflect individual targets. 

Copying makes it simple to get set up quickly, while still allowing the flexibility for personalisation. You can also copy objectives from a closed cycle. Don’t worry, copying an objective will make a duplicate in the currently active cycle.

(2) Improved OKR cycle timeline 📈

The next time you need to know what’s going on in an OKR cycle, just click the blue timeline icon. You’ll find details about all phases of current and upcoming cycles here!

(3) Completely Revamped Nudges with CTAs ✔️

Now simply click on “Nudges” to view and take actions on all your pending actions in one place. You can perform important actions like check-in progress, add meeting notes, give feedback and complete pulse surveys using the Call to Actions (CTAs) present with each activity.

We list actions based on their priority and complete important activities first.

(4) Now, share your bio and interests in Huminos 😇

Now users can add interests and also add a brief bio to their profile. A bio is a place to describe yourself such as your professional background, achievements etc. You can view all details of an employee in their profile section on huminos.

Admin have control to enable or disable this section of profile section.

(5) Real-time collaboration on meetings 🤝

1:1 meetings agendas now provide near real-time collaborative editing. Participants can simultaneously update the meeting agenda and also view updates from each other in near real-time. You can work on the agenda with your peers/managers simultaneously over the cloud during meetings without having to wait for them to be notified about the update.

Reach out to us at help@huminos.com to share your feedback or know more about huminos.

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