Reflections and Calibration

Self and manager reflection provides an excellent context for career conversations and future OKR cycles. Discuss team's performance with your skip-level manager and calibrate performance ratings.

Reflections and Calibration

Reflect on OKRs

Summarize the exciting part of working on the OKRs, his or her impact, impact, strengths, growth areas and future experiences. Summarize why you want the team member to grow an area as evidenced by the developmental feedback received from various colleagues of the team member.
Describe the experience you wish to have, how you'll benefit from such an experience and what support you need from your manager.
Reflect on OKRs

Discuss teams' performance

Calibration meetings allow an opportunity for the manager to clarify any assumptions with respect to the team members' performance summary. Review individual reflections, manager reflections along with peer feedback and validation and finalize the performance ratings.
Discuss teams' performance

Overcome unconscious biases

Managers need to be conscious of their own biases when assessing the performance of their team members. Common biases are recency bias, fundamental attribution error, horn and halo bias. A review by the skip level manager is essential to ensure that these biases are mitigated.
Overcome unconscious biases

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