Huminos KPI Library of 1000+ examples

Huminos OKR Software helps make it easy for you to set KPIs quickly and accurately. It has a library of over 1,000+ KPIs examples that are available in all departments. A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable measurement of success or failure over time for one's goal. Writing good KPIs can take time, but there are a few things to look out for when making sure they're done well.

Writing good KPI requires practice. Below are some checks to see if your KPIs written are good:

rocket_launchIf you're able to jot down three or four coherent key performance indicators in less than 10 minutes, then that's a red flag - all evidence suggests you don't actually know what makes for a compelling objective.

thumb_upIf your goal isn't clear from just one sentence, then odds are it doesn't provide much clarity either.

todayMake sure all items listed are quantifiable - and if possible include the exact numeric standard against which achievement would be counted complete.


Human Resource

With every company being different and many firms choosing what they want to focus on for growth, we have listed a few HR KPIs- including how to monitor hiring procedures, employee morale, attrition rates, how many employees are happy at work, and what kind of process is in place when someone new jo... View More

Cost per hire
Recruiting Conversion Rate
Average tenure of employees
Time to resolve payroll errors
HR to employee staff ratio
Ethnicity Diversity/ Nationalities present in workforce
Number of employee satisfaction surveys conducted
Overall employee turnover rate
Net Promoter Score
Attrition Rate
Absenteeism Rate
Time to fill a job vacancy
Vacancies in workforce as a percentage of all positions
Interviews conducted per hire
Actual hiring costs versus the budget
Hiring Manager Satisfaction Level
Employee Benefit Satisfaction
Cycle time to process payroll
Average number of employees that each human resources (HR) employee is responsible for
HR average years of service
Average manager placement duration in months
Role-based gender diversity
Percentage of workforce below performance standards
Number of diversity and inclusion programs adopted
Average training costs per employee
Number of employees trained
Employee satisfaction with training
Employee Productivity Rate
Employee Satisfaction Level
Healthcare cost per employee
First-year voluntary termination rate
Turnover rate per group
Turnover rate of higher performers
Dismissal rate
Number of Full-Time employees
Number of part-time employees
Percentage of workforce cost
Percentage of vacation days used by employee
New hire performance
Average Salary
Return on investment (ROI) of training
Percentage of total work hours spent on overtime
Average retirement age
Acceptance Rate
Salary Competitiveness Ratio

Product Marketing

Marketing KPIs are the key metrics that allow businesses to evaluate marketing activity's impact while helping professionals monitor the success of different marketing channels to determine efficient budget spending strategies.... View More

Cost per lead
Click through rate (CTR)
Webpage conversion rate
Webpage views per visit
Cost per customer acquision
Number of keywords
Number of do-follow backlinks
Net promoter score
Lead conversion rate
Customer Attrition
Lifetime worth of client
Email unsubscribe rate
Cart abandonment rate
Average cart order value
Sources of web traffic ( Referral Traffic, Campaign Traffic, Direct Traffic, Organic Search Traffic)
Web traffic concentration
Website traffic to lead ratio
Return on investment (ROI) of brand
Return on marketing investment
Number of returning visits
Keyword Performance
Percentage of Returning Vistors
Percentage of goal completed
Newsletter/Blog sign-up conversion rate
Percentage of content downloaded
Visitor engagement rate
Response Rate (to a call-for-action)
Cost per action taken
Number of marketing-originated customers
Average time taken for lead conversion
Bounce rate
Brand awareness percentage
Brand credibility metric
Revenue generation capabilities of brand
Responses from campaigns
Contact rate
Number of leads identified
Percentage of customers prepared to recommend your goods/services
Budget vs Actual cost ratio
Percentage of dormant customers
Delivery of materials
Recruitment goals
Customer share by category
Customer distribution by category


Sales KPIs help a corporation to monitor the health of their enterprise, allowing you to manage your sales more successfully and optimize as well as thoroughly examine each and every sales process. This allows for successful management of sales, analysis, and optimization of even the smallest detail... View More

Sales Target
Average Customer Acquisition Cost
Number of Committed Customers
Average revenue per product
Customer churn ratio
Customer Lifetime Value
Average value of sales achieved by Agents
Sales revenue per period of time (month, year)
Sales Quota Attainment
Qualified leads generated
Sales Growth
Number of Paying Customers
Gross Profit Ratio
Average Price Discount Per Product
Total Sales Share of the Industry
Time taken until Cost of Product is covered by Sales (Breakeven Point)
Store Conversion Rate (Efficacy of Market Approach)
Average Number of Visitors per day
Closing ratio
Average number of activities (calls, meetings, etc.) to close a deal
Successful Proposals to Declined Proposals Ratio
Selling Cost to Sales Ratio
Amount of Sold Inventory vs Amount of Inventory Shipped
Sales Turnover Ratio
Sales per Agent
Sale orders filled per unit time
Missed Sales Opportunites
Number of Potential Clients Contacted
Sales by Contact Method
Sales by category
Sales Growth by Market Segment
Promotions Conducted
Product-Line Profitability
Customer satisfaction
Frequency of sales transactions
Incremental Sales per by Campaigns
Value of Sales lost (Orders cancelled)
Revenue per Successful Call
Revenue gained from repeat customers
Percent of Revenue from New Product
Number of Repeat Customers
Unique Visitors
Frequency of Orders
Missed Sales Opportunity
Conversation to Appointment Rate
Average Profit Margin
Gross Margin Return on Investments
Average time spent on webpage

Customer Success

Customer Success KPIs are important performance metrics utilized by customer care teams and management to track, visualize, analyze, and improve customer relations.... View More

Customer Satisfaction Score
Average Response Time
Average First Call Resolution Time
Agent's full-time employees (FTEs) as percentage of total call center FTEs
Number of Backlogged Emails
Customer Churn Rate
Customer Retention Rate
Total Calls made per day/week/month
Average Time of Resolution
Average after-call work duration
Average Calls taken/ service requests per handler
Average waiting time for incoming calls
Number to complaints made
Highest Performing Handlers
Percentage of Calls Transferred
Cost per minute of handle time
Business Growth Rate
Revenue Churn Rate

Company & Leadership

Key performance indicators for the leaders are among the most important things that you can measure to see how your team is performing overall. Tracking KPIs related to your leadership skills helps you make improvements and identify top performers in this very crucial area. They also help identify o... View More

Number of Enterprise Clients
Number of Mid-Market Clients
Number of SMB-segment Clients
Customer Acquisition Cost
Customer Life time Value
Growth Capital Raised
Percentage of Goals Reached
Revenue Increased per Quarter
New Product Launch Satisfaction
Number of policies launched
Team Training Sessions Conducted
Percentage of Final Audit Completed
Revenue Spent on Firm Recruitment
Employee Productivity Index
Review Sessions Conducted
OKRs, CFRs & Pulse Surveys Launched

Finance and Accounting

Financial KPIs are important metrics that may be used to quickly assess the organization's financial performance. Keeping track of all the crucial financial KPIs helps the leadership team make timely choices that are important to the business without having to micro-manage smaller problems.... View More

Gross Profit Margin
Actual expenses
Cash conversion cycle (CCC)
Cash flow return on investments (CFROI)
Cost of goods sold (COGS)
Cycle time for Reimbursements of expenses
Days payable
Working Capital Ratio
Average value of overdue invoices
Return on Assets
Amount due per customer
Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation (EBITDA)
Inventory Turnover
Fixed Costs
Variable Costs
Average customer receivable
Average time taken to report financial
Net Income
Price to Earnings Ratio
DSO in terms of days
Total Sales
Total Payables
Debt to Capital Ratio
Variation on Budget
Employee Satisfaction Index
Total Accounting costs
Cycle time to process payroll
Cycle time to resolve any payroll errors
Average monetary value of invoices outstanding
Capability of repaying debt (Quick Ratio)
Total Debt
Plow Back Ratio
Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)
Inventory Monetary Value
Market share gain comparison percentage
Number of loans
Number of past-due loans
Total receivables
Receivables Retention Ratio
Receivables Turnover Ratio
Number of available employees
Cash Conversion Rate
Total energy used per unit of production
Market price per share
Dividend Coverage Ratio
Payback Period
Net Present Value (NPV)
Employee work centre loading
Marginal Revenue
Margin of Safety
Number of Expense Claims
Debt to Asset Ratio
Weighted terms outstanding


Modern problems call for modern answers, and the IT sector frequently leads the way in new developments. To maximize their performance and outcomes, CTOs, managers, professionals, and project leaders must continually stay up to date with changes.... View More

Time taken to build an application
Account create success
Account termination success
Courses Completed
Technical Sessions Conducted
Web server availability
Time taken to resolve
Third-Party Libraries Used
Cyber Security Rating
Number of UI/UX improvements
IT Cost Breakdown
IT Cost vs. Revenue
IT Employees per End Users
Attrition Rate
Frequency of Backups
Average Page Load speed
Percentage of Technical Debts
Number of Monitoring Tools Implemented
Amount of Cyber Intrusion Attempts
Average Threat Detection Time
Average Threat Removal Time
Incidents from change
New Developed Features
Number of Developer Partnerships Signed
Key Systems of Engagement
Number of Integrations Launched
Review Frequency
Percentage of positions filled
Average time between team rotations
1:1 Meetings
Commit Coverage
Goal Completion Percentage
Growth Rate of Server
Server Manageability index
Data center capacity consumed
ESOPs Setup

Procurement and Purchase

Procurement management KPIs are essential performance indicators that monitor all pertinent elements of acquiring or purchasing products and services. The procurement department can manage and improve the quantity, quality, pricing, scheduling, and sourcing of the purchase processes thanks to these... View More

Number of Suppliers
Total Time to fulfill an order
Inventory Period
Supplier Availability Rate
Supplier Quality
Percentage of Emergency Purchases
Duration between Order Placement and Order Delivery
Ratio of Perfect Orders to Total Orders
Average number of days to collect payment after a sale (Days Sales Outstanding)
Average Purchasing Time and Budget
Potential Extra Costs
Spent under Management
Profitability of Investments (ROI)
Payment Period for Production Materials

Personal Development

Personal KPIs allow you to set personal goals and measure progress by outcomes. They also help identify opportunities for improvement so that you can reach success quickly. Personal KPIs allow you to take note of the goals that matter most to you, monitor how close or far away from them you are and... View More

Number of training completed
Number of books completed
Number of 1:1 Meetings with Mentor/Team Member
Number of Documents Written
Percentage of Skills Implemented
Increase in Productivity
Percentage of Tasks Completed
Time used productively in hours per week
Courses completed
Initiatives Approved
Time Spent on Team Productivity Improvement
Coaching Styles Implemented
Contacts Established through Networking
Time Spent on Meditation/Mindfulness
Tasks Focused on at the Same Time
Time Spent on Persuing Hobbies
Level of Understanding
Number of Negotiation Discussions
Time Spent on Reflection
Number of Hobbies

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