Aligning OKRs

Align team members' OKRs with team or company level OKRs
OKR Alignment
Let's discuss why alignment of OKRs is important.
Let's discuss cross-team alignment and the importance of it.
Let's discuss your individual OKRs and how they impact our team or company OKRs.
Do you feel these OKRs are exciting to work on?
Do you feel you/your team is contributing to company OKRs?
Do you have any questions about aligning your OKRs with the company or team OKRs?
Any feedback or suggestions?

Pick a template

Save time with a pre-built template complete with recommended talking points to get you started


Customize it

Customize headers, talking points, and more before using it in your next meeting


Bring it to life

Use the template in real time with your meeting attendees to collaborate on meeting notes

Wait! Before you go!

You might also be interested in these templates


Regular 1:1

Use this template for regular weekly, fortnightly or monthly 1:1s. Build personal rapport, recognise initiatives and identify blockers.


Peer 1:1

1:1 meetings with peers help in building cross-functional team alignment and improving communication and collaboration.


Calibration 1:1

Schedule 1:1 meeting with your manager for discussing your team's performance.

Get started

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