

The SDE-1 role is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and quality of software development deliverables. In addition, they are responsible for developing software as per the defined specifications and timelines. SDE-1 roles also involve continuous improvement of software development processes. They... View More


track_changesImprove your technical skills

tagAdd five questions to the software training course assessment
tagComplete the basic software training course and score more than 90% on assessments
tagReduce your code review comments by 25%
tagDevelop one feature independently

track_changesStart hitting the road

tagIdentify one bug in existing code
tagComplete 6 peer code reviews with no additional review comments
tagHave more than 85% code coverage on submitted code
tagShip 1 medium feature into production
tagShip 3 bug fixes into production

track_changesComplete onboarding

tagComplete JIRA onboarding
tagComplete DevOps tools onboarding
tagComplete API documentation onboarding
tagComplete database ERD onboarding
tagComplete product onboarding
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Manager, Engineering
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Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

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