Advantages of giving developmental feedback

Most managers find it difficult to share developmental feedback effectively.

According to Joseph Folkman, a behavioural statistician, "The advantage of receiving ongoing feedback is much like the advantage you gain from a GPS device as opposed to a paper map. Both provide directions about where you want to go. The GPS, however, provides the directions in the context of an accurate assessment of where you currently are."

Advantages of giving developmental feedback are:

  1. Higher employee engagement - Joseph Folkman in a Forbes magazine article published a survey of 22, 719 leaders that showed that strong employee engagement is closely aligned with the ability to give honest feedback in a helpful way.
  2. Managers become effective leaders - According to the survey by Folkman, being open and willing to seek developmental feedback is an essential skill for effective leaders.
  3. Everyone wants to hear, but no one wants likes to give developmental feedback - Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman in their Harvard Business Review article argue with research that employees prefer developmental feedback (53%) more than the appreciative feedback (47%).
  4. The way you share developmental feedback matters - According to Zenger and Folkman, 92% of the respondents agreed with the assertion, “Negative (developmental) feedback, if delivered appropriately, is effective at improving performance.”
  5. Improved performance - 72% said they thought their performance would improve if their managers would provide corrective feedback.
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