Committed vs. Aspirational OKRs

There are 2 types of OKRs - 1) Committed and 2) Aspirational.

Good managers assign 1 to 2 Aspirational OKRs to the team during the performance summary cycle so that the team is sufficiently stretched.

  1. Committed OKRs are the ones the team agrees that they will be achieved 100% despite minor setbacks in terms of schedules, resources and planning.
  2. Aspirational OKRs address future state vis-a-vis the current state by asking "what could we do if we have extra resources and time"?
  3. Committed OKRs must be 100% complete and Aspirational OKRs typically have a 70% completion rate with high rates of failure.
  4. When a Committed OKR is slipping, the team must escalate the situation and requires a postmortem when 100% completion is not achieved by the due date.
  5. Example of a Committed OKR - "Maintain SLA of 2 days turn around time"
  6. Example of an Aspirational OKR - "Launch a new product that gets next 10 million paid users"
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