Strategic Trinity

Modern-day CXOs work to strengthen the bonds between their company’s vision, mission, and objectives, or what is known as a Strategic Trinity. It is very important that a CXO’s OKRs are deeply aligned with their company’s Strategic Trinity.

It is very important that a CXO’s OKRs are deeply aligned with company’s strategic objectives.
💡Pro-tip: If you are new to OKRs, it is advisable to take external help from OKR coaches on how to create leadership OKRs that are truly aligned with company objectives.
Strategic Trinity

Profitable Growth

The OKR framework of goal setting brings radical focus to CXOs and their leadership teams. It also helps to build outcome-based thinking, rather than output-based.

Profitable growth (versus growth at all costs) requires a huge mindset change.
Profitable Growth

Talent Orchestration

CXOs should be aware that orchestrating DevOps and RevOps is impossible without first orchestrating Talent Operations, or TalOps.

Talent orchestration covers various areas, such as mapping skills, identifying skill gaps, setting employee value proposition (EVP), sourcing, recruiting and onboarding talent, training and engaging talent, aligning talent to business objectives, and tracking performance of the talent.
💡Pro-tip: For more help, consult our expert coaches.
Talent Orchestration

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