OKRs for Individual Contributors

Up to 80% of people struggle to create visibility for their work, ending in awkward performance conversations with their managers.

OKRs for Individual Contributors


The first step to excel at work is to pick goals that challenge you. If you always choose easy goals, you mayseem less driven, which will affect your career growth. By mixing aspirational and committed OKRs, you aspire to more and will perform better at work.
💡Pro-tip: Pick up 2-3 Committed OKRs and 1-2 Aspirational OKRs in a quarter.


Aligning your objectives helps you to understand how your work impacts your company’s progress. This alignment is also important when working on projects where other teams are involved.

By aligning you OKRs with other teams’ OKRs, you can call out dependancies in a transparent and visible manner and help fix troubled spots quickly.

Aligning your OKRs with your manager, team’s, and company OKR’s is essential for your success
💡Pro-tip: 100% alignment kills agility and creativity. Have at least 1-2 unaligned OKRs.


Once you add and align your OKRs, the next step is recording and communicating your contribution. This step requires discipline and rigor in terms of weekly progress updates to your OKRs and 1:1 meetings with your manager.

Such OKR cadence will help in proactively surfacing any blockers that potentially stop you from achieving your OKRs.

It is very important to link your day-to-day work tools such as Jira, ClickUp, Trello, and Zoho to Key Results so that there is a single source of truth for your manager to evaluate.
💡Pro-tip: Always ensure that Key Results can be measurable with data from your day-to-day work tools. Don’t worry 😊. We've got you covered with 100+ integrations.


At the end of each quarterly OKR cycle, you should reflect on your OKR scores and document lessons in terms of “what went well” and “what can be done better” next time.

It is very important to validate your progress and achievements with feedback from your peers.
💡Pro-tip: Peer validation helps overcome perceptions and unconscious biases. Learn more about performance biases.


The final step toward having a great performance conversation with your manager is to narrate your story by summarizing the impact you created with your achievement of OKRs, your strengths, growth areas, and future experiences you are interested in.

It is very important to validate your strengths and growth areas with peer feedback and a 360 behavior assessment.
💡Pro-tip: Always request feedback from peers with whom you interacted for achieving your Key Results.

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