Huminosusage-based pricing

Huminos Announces Usage-based Pricing for its OKR & Performance Management Platform

Huminos, a leading OKR Software, has announced Usage-based Pricing for all its customers. With this new pricing model, customers are now billed based on the Objectives created and achieved, i.e., when they actually achieve their outcomes with the help of the Huminos platform. In other words, customers are no longer billed for a fixed licence fee per user per month and would be charged for what they actually end up achieving.
Jun 07, 2022
In order to support the usage-based pricing, Huminos has rolled out a feature to automatically score the OKRs (based on their progress) at the end of each quarter. The scoring is different for both committed and aspirational OKRs. Customers can customise these auto-scoring scales.

Over the past few decades, most SaaS companies have priced their software per seat with tiered pricing and feature gating, i.e. limiting the set of features to a particular tier only. For example, Single-Sign-On (SSO), a popular feature, is typically available in the enterprise tier.

However, SaaS companies are facing the twin headwinds of increasing customer acquisition costs and declining customer willingness to pay for the incremental features. Therefore, customer retention or reducing churn in customers has become an important growth lever for SaaS companies.

According to ProfitWell, CACs have increased by over 55% in the last 5 years, and during the same period, customer willingness to pay for features has dropped by 30%.

According to OpenView VC, there has been a 2x adoption of usage-based pricing in the past 4 years.

"We are the first in the world in the HR Tech and OKR Software space to implement an outcome based pricing model to help our customers achieve growth," said Sunder Nookala, CEO of Huminos and a 2x SaaS entrepreneur with 23 years of experience in the HR Tech Space. "Our success is linked to our customers’ growth, and they save 40% to 60% at a minimum in comparison with traditional software providers. Also, there is no contract lock-in." he added.

To make it simple for customers to compare pricing and features of various OKR software providers, Huminos has un-gated all its platform features, i.e. there are no tiered prices or feature level restrictions. It also provides a pricing calculator to estimate the usage costs per employee over time as the customer grows in employee size. Unlike other players, there are no contracts or lock-in with Huminos as the users are billed based on outcomes.

A quick calculation shows that the price of Huminos software works out to be approximately $4 per month per user, whereas the other players in the industry have multiple tiered plans and charge between $9 to $19 per user per month.

About Huminos

Huminos is a comprehensive OKR and Growth Culture software that helps your employees to achieve impactful outcomes, even if they are working remotely. Huminos helps you to:

  1. Aspire for growth with OKRs and align your people.
  2. Inspire your people continuously with an engaging growth culture of conversations, coaching and celebrations.
  3. Measure growth & culture – continuously, reflect & calibrate your people’s performance.

Visit to learn more about Huminos.

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format_quote"We are the first in the world in the HR Tech and OKR Software space to implement an outcome based pricing model to help our customers achieve growth," said Sunder Nookala, CEO of Huminos and a 2x SaaS entrepreneur with 23 years of experience in the HR Tech Spaceformat_quote

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